Technical  Guide

How to move an object to the origin in Fusion 360?

By Prashant Kumar 16.09.2022

Method 1: 

Step A :  Open your fusion 360 design and make sure that Origin and Bodies are visible, either on the design tree and on the design space.

Tip One:

Step B :  Go to “Modify” Panel and activate Move/Copy tool with a single left click on your Mice.

Step C :  Once you will activate the Move/Copy tool, a new Move/Copy command window will appear. Where you need to take steps as per the image shown below. 1) Under the Move object : Select “Bodies“ 2) Under Selection : Select “Body” that you want to move to origin.

3) Under Move type : Activate “Point to Point” option. 4) Now active “Origin Point” option and hover over to the body and select the point that you want to match with the origin, You can also select custom points on the body by pressing “CTRL” on your keyboard. 5) Now active “Target Point” and select your origin. And finally press “OK” to accept the result.

Method 2: 

Using the Align tool in Fusion 360.

Step A : Go to “Modify” Panel and activate “Align” tool with a single left click on your Mice.

Step B : 1) Under the Object : Select “Bodies 2) Now active “From” option and hover over to the body and select the point that you want to match with the origin, You can also select custom points on the body by pressing “CTRL” on your keyboard.

3) Now activate the "To" option and select the Origin point. And you will be able to see the preview that your object/Body has been moved to the origin matching your Body's Point that you had selected in the "From" option. Refer to the Image below, You will also get an option to Flip your body around the Origin point. And if you are satisfied with the results just press "OK.