A well-known open-source 3D printer manufacturer, Prusa had donated 10000 3D printed Face shields to fight against the pandemic situation of COVID-19/ Coronavirus.
Prusa an open-source 3D printer manufacturer Printed 10,000 units of Medical shields and donated them to the Czech Ministry of Health to fight COVID-19.
Prusa is a well-known Open-source 3D printer manufacturer in the Additive manufacturing industry.
Their contribution to the industry is already appreciable.
Now in the current situation, they have raised their helping hand and started various initiatives to combat COVID-19.
They had produced 3D printed Medical shields, that are used to protect the facial area from infections.
You can find the 3D models of these Medical shields ready for 3D printing on GrabCAD.
Makerspaces is a community of makers with a goal to donate 1,000,000 M19 Medical shields and donated to local hospitals in India.
This community of makers in a goal to donate 1,000,000 M19 Medical face shields.
It’s a community of makers, often “not for profit”, where people from different interests such as computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art, can meet, socialize, and collaborate.
The community decided on a goal to provide 1 million face shields to fight COVID-19.
The design for a Medical face shield ready for 3D printing is open source and available to download at Git Hub Makers Asylum India.

Makerspaces is a community of makers with a goal to donate 1,000,000 M19 Medical shields
You can also find the stepwise guide to make M19 Medical face shields below.
If you would like to learn more about 3D printing and CAD Design check out this amazing Article “Free resources to learn 3D Printing“.